dilluns, 25 de desembre del 2023
Bon Nadal 2023! ¡Feliz Navidad 2023! Merry Christmas 2023!
dissabte, 18 de novembre del 2023
'That is not dead which can eternal lie...'
dimarts, 31 d’octubre del 2023
An illustration containing an allegory
dissabte, 7 d’octubre del 2023
Jornada Mundial pel Treball Digne
diumenge, 17 de setembre del 2023
Welcome to the Gotham City Theater Festival at Arkham Asylum!
dimecres, 9 d’agost del 2023
The Lady of Falealupo
diumenge, 18 de juny del 2023
Tenim drets!
dimarts, 23 de maig del 2023
The Haunting Twins
During the Trojan War, the body of Sarpedon, son of the god Zeus and Laodamia, is carried to the Underworld by Hypnos (the Sleep) and Thanatos (the Death) once he fallen in combat, without even his all-mighty divine father being able to do something for fight Fate. The two minor gods, in turn, were brothers, sons of the powerful and dark goddess Nyx (the Night). They appeared in the world when the Pandora's Box was opened along with the rest of evils, misfortunes and diseases that afflict mankind (Apparently, the first men of the Golden Age were never tired or died), and they lived in a palace near the Hades, the Underworld, so they never saw the light of the Sun. Thanatos was the older, so it's usually even represented with a beard, while Hypnos, younger and jovial, entertained the night hours of mortals with his children, the Dreams.